Scientific Tourism
Puerto Deseado´s previleged geographical position, characterised by it´s flora and marine wildlife incomparable richness, makes this destiny be considered like a “hot spot” of great importance for the patagonian coastal marine heritage conservation from a research point of view.
Scientific tourism is a new tendency that is growing steadily, promoting a more direct and participatory way of getting peolple involved into the natural world knowlegde. The traveler combines his training courses or reasearch projects participation with the visits to local museums, interpretations centers, framed in featured natural enviroments. It intends to combine academic knowledge, enviromental education and tourism, with the aim of incorporating to this proposals aspects that have not being considered until now, that by means of a multidisciplinary exchange, allow to enlarge the field of action of each individual area and satisfy the educational, cultural and recreational needs of a group of people.
One of the great attractions in Patagonia, it constitutes the adventure implied when incorporating visitors to the field researchers work, who, frecuently, delve into marine protected areas with the aim of learning from them. This type of proposals are organised and directed by scientists with a vast experience in the región, very concerend with its conservation, respect for nature and very aware of the enriching teaching that marine coastal enviroment can offer.
On top of this, sharing this knowledge through talks, seminars, guided expeditions and the wide use of multimedial and audiovisual formats, allow to those that are interested in deepening their knowledge about Patagonia´s heritage, to araise awareness of the place human beings occupy in nature.
Scientific tourism is a new tendency that is growing steadily, promoting a more direct and participatory way of getting peolple involved into the natural world knowlegde. The traveler combines his training courses or reasearch projects participation with the visits to local museums, interpretations centers, framed in featured natural enviroments. It intends to combine academic knowledge, enviromental education and tourism, with the aim of incorporating to this proposals aspects that have not being considered until now, that by means of a multidisciplinary exchange, allow to enlarge the field of action of each individual area and satisfy the educational, cultural and recreational needs of a group of people.
One of the great attractions in Patagonia, it constitutes the adventure implied when incorporating visitors to the field researchers work, who, frecuently, delve into marine protected areas with the aim of learning from them. This type of proposals are organised and directed by scientists with a vast experience in the región, very concerend with its conservation, respect for nature and very aware of the enriching teaching that marine coastal enviroment can offer.
On top of this, sharing this knowledge through talks, seminars, guided expeditions and the wide use of multimedial and audiovisual formats, allow to those that are interested in deepening their knowledge about Patagonia´s heritage, to araise awareness of the place human beings occupy in nature.

Patagonian course – Puerto Deseado
Since 2010 y during five consecutive years, the Patagonian course has being taking place in Puerto Deseado, deeping into the argentine sea characteristics, its threats, problems and conservation issues, developed, in an holistically way by high academic level specialists with great experience in the atlantic Patagonia. Organised by the “Isla de los Delfines – Argentina” it was declared of Provincial Scientific Interest and of Provincial Touristic Interest too by the Provincial Congress, and of County´s Interest by Puerto Deseado´s city. Until now, more tan 150 participants have taken the course, coming from all parts of the world, including Europe anda latinamerica.
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Scientific Logistics
Our company, Los Vikingos, with an important scientific mark, actively supports and collaborates in research projects and training courses that take place in our city and its surroundings. We are deeply concerned to contribute with our natural knowledge of the area, providing the logistics support needed, and significantly participating in the local heritage conservation and in visitors and Deseado´s community sensitization and awareness.
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